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"My brain is just a jellyfish in the ocean of my head..."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Office pranks = hilarious

Yesterday, while on my way to leave for dinner, I saw a couple of office-mates gathered around a nearby desk.

So I went to investigate...

Apparently, for the past couple of weeks a few guys have been lowering a coworker's desk ever so slightly each day.

This went completely unnoticed.

So they also started moving his desk back, closer to the wall - again, ever so slightly each day.

This also went unnoticed.

Yesterday, several desks were found that match our current desks in every way, except that they are about 25% smaller in surface area...one was immediately switched with his desk. It was then debated whether they should again lower the new smaller desk, like normal for the daily adjustment. It was assumed that he would have to notice both changes at once - but eventually agreed to just do it.

The end result:

He's working as if everything was the same!



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